Mcdowell Mountain Music Festival
In light of the recent events at
well-known music festivals it was a great relief and privilege to be
a part of this years McDowell Mountain Music Festival. I know you
can’t compare a massive festival to a music festival this size, but
there are a lot of things I think others can learn from MMMF. First
of coarse is the charity support. That’s right 100% percent of the
proceeds go to two local charities the first being The Phoenix
Children’s Hospital, and the second is UMOM which is helping
homeless families and children with providing homes and support for a
better future. It’s nice knowing where your money is going and
that its being used for a great purpose. It was also nice to see
such a nice family friendly event. I know a lot of you hear the word
family event and get a bad taste in your mouth, and it couldn’t be
further from the truth. There were plenty of young adults having the
fun you would have at other events, being wild and letting go, and
truthfully it was very refreshing and beautiful seeing all the little
faces in awe sharing new events like trying hula hoping or joining in
on drum circles and enjoying all the amazing music. That being said
if you do plan on attending one of these events remember there are
kids and to be respectful, which truthfully, from the story’s we
have been hearing about the things going on today at events maybe we
could all learn something from these little ones.
Another great thing about this festival
it is committed to is becoming 100% green. The grounds of the event
are filled with recycle, compost, and trash stations, with event
volunteers to help you with all your needs to the recycled drinking
water, which was free all weekend long. Also being dedicated to
local business and music is another big plus. Instead of paying
crazy high prizes for beers that you can get everyday at any local
gas station around the country. With one of the supporters being
Duschutes Brewery you could select from many different types of local
made beers for 6 bucks, and the best part with helping with the green
idea you got a commemorative glass with MMMFs logo and the Brewery
logo that could be used over and over again until you took it home.
Now we have the music, it was great not
having to worry about what show you want to catch and how you’re
going to make it in time to see this one verses that one. With one
main stage going at one time and then the local stage playing on the
in-between times you didn’t have to worry about that, and with a
normal down time on the main stage of about 45min to an hour you were
always just a few minutes away from the big act. For all you EDM
kids out there they had Gramatik there first night followed up by
STS9. Gramatik put on a great show with members playing Sax and
Trumpet along with there electronic beets that keep the floor moving
and everyone dancing.
The second day was loaded with a bunch
of jam bands from Dispatch, to Slightly Stooped and the Disco
Biscuits closing it out. While all these bands lived up to there
name, I would have to say one band that stood out and truthfully was
on the lips of many at the festival was Allen Stone, who I am not
going to lie, I never have heard before, came out and destroyed the
stereo type of many people. You would not believe the soul and funk
that comes out of this thin, long haired, white man. His sound is
like that of the old the Motown funk times, and this is what I kept
on hearing from people throughout the day. I would suggest checking
him out, I know I will.

All and all it was one of the best
music festivals I have been to in long time. With out all the crowds
and the smart choices put together by the leaders of this event, I
could truly relax and have a great time, be it kicking the soccer
ball around with the kids or dancing to the amazing music I think
this is the way music festivals should be ran and participants should